
Saturday, October 25, 2014

The First Mate Perspective

The trip so far....
By Tamera the First Mate

I have read a million articles about cruising while waiting for our dream to come true.  Many of the articles were brutally honest and said there will be times when you hate the wind, the water, the sand, the birds, your sailing partners, the pounding into the waves, the noise of everything banging around and you will truly hate pretty much everything around you.....but nobody told me it would happen on the first day !!
Don't I look happy all bundled up with my blanket?

Never fear.....things got a whole lot better.

Ok Scott posted about our rocky start so I won't go into all that but as I write this in our quiet wonderful marina in Pensacola Florida the memories are still fresh.

I feel fortunate to have such a wonderful captain manning this vessel.  We have both had to gain confidence in our skills as we begun this wonderful journey.  I am sure I get on his nerves sometimes asking him:

Are you sure we fit under this bridge????

What is our depth?

Why are we pointing that way, don't we need to be over there?

Are you too close to that boat?

What mile marker we at?

AND then I get the I shut up....for awhile.

I do my part to keep things going:  I make decent meals when I can, I keep the charts in the cockpit and give regular updates on our progress and let the captain know what is ahead.

Things have been pretty wonderful at times, really boring at times... but then we get to see something like this:

An Eagle

Sunrise through the swamps in Louisiana

Sunrise on Wolf Bay

Makes it all seem worthwhile and really glad we did not quit the first day !!!


  1. The first day is always just a test to make sure you're worthy. Congrats on passing.

    1. Is that what it was all about? So glad I passed the challenge. Our next challenge will be two long trips across two sections the Gulf of Mexico to new Florida destinations.
