
Friday, July 11, 2014

The Nudist and the Bloody Marys

By Scott Buckley (Captain)

Once again It has been a while since posting and it is not for lack of subjects.  I am not really sure where to start.  Some subjects are fun, some frustrating and some are going to be technical rants.  But for this one I think I will stick with fun.  Thus the title.

The live-aboard crowd here at Bayland Marina is a different sort of crowd and you would almost want to call them eclectic but there are some darker reasons for some about why they live on a boat and not like the rest of the world in a conventional land based enclosure. Some are tragic, some are financial and some are just too weird to spend much time on. Perhaps a better word for live-aboards is a group of people all affected by a similar psychosis. In my case the psychosis is a desire to be poor in my old age. My psychosis leads me to believe that regret will trump any comfort I will get out of working until I'm too old for a big old retirement nest egg.

There is a marina store here at Bayland that is run by a very kind lady named Cindy. My 1st mate calls her Cindy-Lou because my 1st mate refuses to call anything by its proper name but the 1st mate is adored by all so the name Cindy-Lou has stuck. I have made it a habit of going to the marina store on Sunday morning to read the paper that Mrs. Cindy buys for the advertisements. I really enjoy reading the paper, filling in the crossword puzzle and solving the Cryptograms. A crowd has started to gather at the marina store on Sunday mornings to socialize and hear me read the Dear Abby column using the accent of a dumbass country bumpkin. I may be guilty of embellishing the articles a little but it is always fun.  These gathering by the boat bound psychotics is called the Lab Lounge by the 1st mate.  It means "Live-aboard Lounge".  See adorable right? 

At these morning sessions we trade stories and information and generally gossip about those that did not show up that morning and the history of past boat bound psychotics (AKA BoBo-psychos). One of the couples at the marina are nudists. Actually they are practicing nudists but practice is perhaps the wrong word as they have gotten pretty good at being naked. They are in their 60’s and I believe have earned the right to hangout (so to speak) anyway they see fit. While one guy objects the rest of us are tolerant and maybe a little curious. For some reason the folks at the Lab-Lounge think they can ask me question about subject I have not professed to know anything about and that there is no evidence that I would know the answer yet all eyes will turn towards me while they wait for my answer. One such question was when nudist play volley ball, do they do it totally naked with all there bit flying around. I said I would assume they do but don’t actually know. What do they talk about?  I suggested maybe the price of sunscreen.  Again why would they ask me?

Anyway last Sunday the regular crowd of BoBo-psychos had gathered and the nudist was there.  Let's call him Buck Knotbare.  Anyway Buck was lamenting the fact he had offered to make bloody marys the week before and I and my 1st mate had taken off.  I explained that we had visitors down and  our absence was not a repulsion to him or to the bloody marys.   In fact I pointed out he was one of the most positive people I knew and that I always enjoyed a good bloody mary.  Well he said if I was serious he would go make some AND make some he did.  A whole gallon and they were good. 

So its Sunday morning and bunch of us BoBo's are sitting there at the Lab-Lounge on our second bloody mary with the nudist and I thought it might be a good idea that the group should ask the nudist directly about their curiosities.  Well they were tipsy enough to ask AND Buck was only too pleased to respond with all the required detail about the life style and the rules of naked comportment.  One of the questions was about naked volleyball.  I won't share the answers but it would appear a lot of balls were in play.
I share this story because it is one of the primary attraction for me to the cruising life style.  It is my belief that the wide variety of folks we will meet in our travels will be considered psychotic by some but we will all be suffering our madness together and enjoying the absolute crap out of it.


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