By Capt. Scott Buckley
As said in the last post there was some squally weather coming and we decided to head for Black Point to wait it out and take on some provisions. On the way there I was again passed by the throttle jockeys trying to get that perfect anchorage.Leaving O'Brien's Cay |
Entering Black Point Harbor |
We caught up on laundry and went out to dinner with some new friends from Michigan on SV Windara.
Changing Plans Continued
We kind of had a hard night with the storms and our nerves were a bit frayed from dodging shallow reefs, so we started talking about our money budget and maybe taking a break from cruising for a couple of months. There were some modifications and repairs needed on the boat and there was no budget for such things.Exiting the Bahamas
We were still traveling with SV Alice Mae and started discussing our next cruising plans and our exist strategy from the Bahamas. Our cruising permit was due to expire in about 3 weeks on the 22 of April so if we were going to stay longer we would have to be someplace where we could get it extended but would have to wait until less than 7 days before expiration.We discussed a number of options. Some routed thru Nassau and Bimini and some route thru the Berry Islands and some routed up thru the Abacos. We finally decided on the route thru Nassau and Bimini. We had already done this route so it was not a big bunch of unknowns to deal with.
The Porch at Black Point were there was free WiFi. Free generally means slow. |
SV Simpatico
While here in Black Point was got a call on the radio from John and Peggy on SV Simpatico. We had not seen them in about a month and it was nice running into them again. They ask for our plans and decided to sail with us back to the states using the same route we had planned. In all likelihood several boats were listening to our radio conversation and also decided to tag along. For the next couple of days we would have numerous traveling companions that looked awfully familiar.From Black point our route would not be directly back to Nassau. We would stop at a few islands along the way. We had planned to make it to Allen’s Cay as the winds predicted were from the east at 15 knots. The prediction turned out to be incorrect and the winds were blowing 22 to 27 knots. Not the end of the world but all the salt I got washed of the boat in the rains at Black Point was quickly being replaced. SV Simpatico and SV Alice Mae decided to cut the trip short and head into Shroud Cay which was about 4 miles closer. We sailed on for a little while longer thinking the wind would abate however we were wrong. The wind was now gusting in the 30’s so we also ducked into Shroud Cay. As soon as we got anchored down the wind finally abated.
Route from Black Point to Shroud Cay |
Route from Shroud Cay to Roberts Cay |
Roberts Cay
The next day we sailed to Roberts Cay where we stayed for a couple of days, however as we were waking up and drinking our first cup of coffee SV Simpatico was call for help on the radio. I call them back to find out what was the problem. Turned out his fuel pump had quit and he needed some fuel to fill up his filters. He wanted us to come out on the bank and transfer some . We picked up the anchor and discussed the plan to hand over fuel. I told him to partially furl his genoas and to steer straight down wind. I would approach him and he should heave me a retrieval line. I would tie the can to fuel to the line and throw it overboard. They would then hall it in. The system worked well and we were able to transfer 2 cans of fuel this way which got them underway again. In the picture above the transfer took place during that deviation on course to the west. Since we were so far out we did not return to Shroud Cay but went ahead to Roberts Cay.![]() |
Roberts Cay is the small island in the upper middle |
On Robert’s Cay the snorkeling was good and the weather cooperated. We met some more Canadian cruisers on SV Lucky and SV Luna.The 1st evening that we snorkeled I spotted some lion fish so the next day I returned with my hand spear and cleaned them out. I cut the poisonous spine off the fish in the water and threw them in a small net bag that I had brought along.
Lion Fish
I cleaned and ate them that day. It was the first time I had eaten the poisonous lion fish so after I ate them and waited a few hour to die a painful and agonizing death. But you know what? They were right the venom is in the spines and not the meat so I was OK. The 1st mate decline to eat any until she saw I was going to survive.
We were have a really good time at Robert’s Cay but we were also sad. This was likely to be the end of the Exumas for this season. In all likelihood we would be back in the State in a week. Our Bahamas adventure was drawing to a close and that was a major bummer.
Next we would head to Nassau and then make our break across the great Bahamas bank to Bimini.
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