
Wednesday, February 4, 2015


By Tamera – First Mate

Latitude 24’ 31. 3 N

Longitude 76’ 47.5 W

We arrived at our second Cay –Shroud Cay. But first let me tell a little bit about our trip from Roberts Cay to Shroud Cay. 
We left Roberts Cay at 09:15 and arrived at Shroud Cay at 12:35 – it was a short little hop to an even more beautiful spot in the Exumas.  This is the first time we sailed with the dinghy tied on the back and I truly believe I kept hearing weeeeeee coming from the dinghy since it was going so fast…faster than it ever has gone before.
Scott enjoying the sail to Shroud Cay IMG_7562
The skies were blue behind us and a little cloudy ahead of us….the rain showers passed ahead of us and we arrived to beautiful skies and awesome blue water.
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This is our anchorage in Shroud Cay the first day
Again Scott quickly took care of the anchor but this time he jumped in the water, it was just too inviting and COLD. 
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Of course our flotilla had to play in their dinghy too – everyone was very excited to be here.
Then we went exploring the Cay.
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There was a little canal that went up into the cay and it was awesome.  Lots of mangroves, sea grass and of course beautiful clear water.
I know you are all going to be shocked but I (Tamera) forgot to take a photo of sunset the first night in Shroud Cay…..I guess I was pooped from all the exploring.
After a bit of a bouncy night some of our buddy boat pals decided to move further South to hopefully find a less bouncy spot.  We opted to stay at Shroud Cay and we were able to more around the corner to a mooring ball.
Who would of ever thought that moving around the corner would be even more beautiful, but it was.
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It was sad to watch some of our buddy boats sail off without us but each boat had their own agenda.  Some boats are only here a month and wanted to head South quickly while others could not tolerate to bouncy conditions and had to move more inland to a mooring ball.  We are here for several months and did not want to miss all of the great islands so we opted to take our time and enjoy this dream that we have waited so long to come true.
Soooooo were are off to explore this new spot……
We are back from exploring and here is what we found……
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More beautiful water……..
and a trail that leads to a water well, I would not drink from it because it’s brown…yucky.
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And we got to see Kooky Dance in crystal clear blue water
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AND my favorite photo of all…..Scott in the water.
More highlights when we reach our next destination…..for now we are off to have a sundowner with the crew of Sonara – Joy and Craig.


  1. Wow! That looks wonderful. You are living your dream. Thanks for sharing as I sit here and watch the snow come down and build on the roads. How is the outboard doing?

  2. We are so glad to be so far from the really cold and snow. Outboard is working and that is now one less thing to worry about. Thanks for following us and keep posting comments, it's good to know you are reading and enjoying the blog.
