
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Altering Course

In the world of cruising every sailor must be able to alter course for the health and safety of the crew.  Kooky Dance is having to alter our course by delaying our departure for a few months.

Leaving from Texas we have a diminishing weather window to make it East in safe and favorable conditions.  Installation delays and minor health issues are causing us to miss our weather window for a December 2013 departure.

It will be far easier to take care of the minor health issues on land where care is available versus at sea where no care is available.

The installation delays are on equipment that is imperative to a safe passage especially in a rough Gulf of Mexico in the winter.

Don't despair.....we are still going cruising ..... just altering course.

We are totally crushed and fighting depression but after a few sleepless nights and a very extensive pros/cons list we have made this decision.....we don't have to like it but we feel it the best decision.

The house has been sold so we will still be moving aboard the boat and continuing with installations and I guess we can work to build the cruising kitty....more tropical drinks ya know.

Scott is taking it far harder than I am and that's saying a lot because I am not taking it so well.........

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